And Then We Snapped | Days 12-18

In the midwest; specifically in Wisconsin where I live it would be so easy to not pick up my camera for at least the 4 months of winter we get. It is so cold; the sub-zero kind of cold. It is also a constant, mind numbing, gray overcast sky. There is a very rare appearance of sun. Surprisingly those sunny days are often deceivingly the coldest. It is so hard to find the light and to find something that makes my heart sing. More often than not we are cooped up inside.

It’s this that inspired me to pick up my camera daily. I was determined to make my own light and to find my own beauty. Even on the grayest days, even on the days when these boys of mine are non-stop fighting, even on the days when I know I have for sure lost any chance of mother of the year award – there is something wonderful to be found in the ordinary. It’s our ordinary; no ones else anywhere. You could look anywhere but you will not find what we have here; there is something special about that.

Day 12/365

These little super hero houses and figurines are probably your guys’ favorite thing to play. I let you both stay up late this night because you were so happy and playing so nice together.


Day 13/365

I almost forgot my photo for the day not even two weeks into round two; but I am so glad that I did. This pillow has Buzz on one side and Woody on the other; and you are VERY particular on who you want to sleep on each night. And that blanket you are snuggled in is your favorite, it was some weird looking animal blanket that grandma had bought for your older brother when he was little. I have no idea why we still had it, or how you found it for that matter. But you did, and for the last year your refuse to use anything but this blanket.


Day 14/365

It’s been cold and windy. We’ve been inside a lot again. You two have been loving playing Infinity together. You are just setting up the game in this photo, but when you play you jump around like wild monkeys. It’s hilarious, and makes me feel like at least it’s some cardio while you play theXbox!


Day 15/365

A rare day we played outside for awhile. And you, you will always outlast your brothers outside in this weather. You just love being outside regardless of the weather. I love this about you….and regardless of the season you will get out the bikes, toy lawn mowers, and dump trucks. Why should snow change any of your fun?


Day 16/365

I remember it wasn’t that long ago you were not very comfortable in the water. And now you are a fish, just like your older brother.


Day 17/365

You had a sleep over with two friends last night. You stayed up till 3am, laughing and playing; and then got up by 6am to continue your fun. You stayed in your jammies when we dropped them off back at home later; and it did not take long for you to claim this spot as yours.


Day 18/365

You three boys are always asking for a snack. Always. Even after the biggest breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and sausage; twenty minutes later you are hungry again. I cannot even imagine what the future holds for my cupboards and wallet. At least for now I can offer you a banana and that works.


Please make your way to Jana of Photography 2204. Her week is always so beautiful and inspiring!

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