…so we went for a walk

It’s been a hard week with my guys.

Instead of going home to re-live another relentless day with them cooped up inside, we went for a walk instead. They ran and played and laughed, and I smiled and chased them around. I don’t think any of us even noticed it was barely 40 degrees with cold gusty winds. We just enjoyed the fresh air. We made our own sunshine.



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Embracing the Gray, and Going Out Anyway

I used to stay inside on cold, gray days. My mood would be ho-hum and a blanket on the couch sounded better than anything else; I would get very little done. These gray days can suck the life out of even the strongest person!

Then I welcomed three boys into the world over the last eleven years, and that mentality has gone out the window. These boys look at me like I have three heads when they would ask “Can we go outside?” and my response would be “But it’s cold and gray.” So now unless it is a torrential downpour, we are outside.

But now I find myself breathing in the crisp air deeply, closing my eyes and listening to their giggles as they run all over the place, and feeling refreshed. There is still beauty in these gray days, sometimes you just have to change what you are looking for.

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I love having a camera in my back pocket. Without fail something beautiful will unfold the minute I do not have my “big girl” camera with me. This day for instance, I had my big camera with me  or near me most of the day, but we took a short walk across the street. My middle son found a pile of dirt and scaled it immediately. The light was beautiful and he was in his element; it was perfect and I had left my camera at the house. Hello iPhone!

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